HUMAN. auditions - London calls Tokyo!

Team Fabula awake at 1 am in the morning in an office in Central London, waiting to ignite our powers for one of the most exciting parts of every production – the auditions, which this time around were so different. 

6. Auditions.jpg

We never thought we would be auditioning dancers in the middle of the night and from so far away - London dialled Tokyo and the auditions started at 10am Japan time.  

The production team and our Creative Director Yukiko smoothly ran the auditions in Shinjuku City, Tokyo and auditioned 31 candidates for the newest choreographic piece by our Associate Artist Travis Clausen-Knight, Everything Would Be Nonsense. The whole team was delighted by the high standard of the auditions and mesmerised by the abilities of the dancers.   

With choreographer Travis in front of the biggest screen and the Fabula team working in the background, we fought through the need of sleep and survived the whole night of auditions from the London side. It was an honour to observe the outstanding talents and to meet the dance artists who will be in the cast this summer. 

This past year has really pushed us in finding new ways and redefining our limits - almost ten thousand kilometres apart, we worked together to fulfil our goals.  

Thank you to all the candidates who applied and auditioned for this production.  

We hope to bring you the best show. 

- Gabija Cepelyte, Executive Assistant


Cira Robinson interview / チラ・ロビンソンインタビュー!


Christopher Marney interview / クリストファー・マーニーインタビュー